About the Event
The Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Limited (AMTIL) welcomes the Australian manufacturing industry to Australian Manufacturing Week 2023 hosted from May 9 – 12 at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The event will showcase the latest innovations, technologies and equipment in the advanced manufacturing sector. Attendees will be encouraged to explore new opportunities, meet and network with industry leaders and technology experts.
Event Features
Austech Machine Tools Zone
Austech Machine Tools is specifically targeted at the metalworking, machine tool and ancillary market in Australia. Austech covers advanced manufacturing products and processes.
Robotics & Automation Zone
The Robotics & Automation Zone will feature the latest state-of-the-art equipment and processes for the optimisation of manufacturing operations. Robots are practical technologies, with artificially intelligent software brains, created and designed by engineers to refine, manufacture, and move Australian manufacturing ahead.
Additive Manufacturing Zone
The Additive Manufacturing Zone will spotlight the latest advances in 3D printing. It includes Additive Manufacturing users, suppliers, and supporters. The process of 3D printing was first patented by Charles Hull in 1986, as stereolithography, and the additive manufacturing industry began as a ‘rapid prototyping process’.
Weld & Air Solutions Zone
The Weld & Air Solutions Zone will highlight advanced welding processes and provide high-quality interactive experiences that demonstrate developments and applications in the welding sector. The earliest examples of welding stem from the Bronze and Iron Ages in Europe and the Middle East. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the sculptor Glaucus of Chios “single-handedly invented iron welding”.
Australian Manufacturers Pavilion
The Australian Manufacturers Pavilion showcases the capabilities of Australia’s precision engineering and advanced manufacturing industry. The Australian Manufacturers Pavilion is where AMW celebrates the very best in Australian manufacturing, providing a showcase for some of this country’s most accomplished component manufacturers, precision engineering firms, toolmakers, advanced manufacturers, and general engineering companies.
Plastics Technology Zone
The Plastics Technology Zone is your hands-on opportunity to see and feel the latest in plastics machinery, mould-making technologies, recycling materials, and the many plastics manufacturing processes. This area will cover injection and blow moulding, extrusion, thermoforming, and compounding, mould making and toolmaking, and plastic technology processes. Join an industry of manufacturing technology suppliers at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre this May and learn more about Australia’s premier advanced manufacturing.
Manufacturing Solutions Zone
The Manufacturing Solutions Zone offers optimised solutions to the most common challenges experienced by manufacturers. From materials handling and warehousing to integrated manufacturing and safety solutions. The manufacturing industry would not be able to function effectively without a diverse array of ancillary technologies and support services