Eight stands at The Australian Dental Conference 2024

“We were completely blown away by the build.” 

Expo Centric designed and delivered a massive eight stands at recent Australian Dental Conference held at Sydney’s International Convention Centre (ICC) over four days from 20-23 March 2024. 

The Event 

ADX is the largest dental expo in the southern hemisphere, attracting dental professionals, industry experts, and exhibitors from around the globe. It provides a platform for companies to showcase their latest products, innovations, and technologies in the field of dentistry.  

The show was held over four days with 180 plus exhibitors over 13,500sqm, so the stakes were high for each of our valued clients to stand out in a large, busy, and crowded exhibition. 

We were proud to work with both repeat and new clients, including Credabl, Vatech, Ray, Acteon, SparXLab, Invisalign, Waterpik and Straumann at this year’s event, showcasing their products and services and bringing their brand to life in creative, unique and compelling ways.  Each client’s main objective was to attract, engage and delight their potential customers through the show, so innovative stand builds were imperative. 

Vatech at ADX 2024

Vatech is a global X-ray imaging company. As a new client at this year’s event, Vatech wanted several things from their stand. The brief included the need for a strong brand stand out, breakout spaces for meetings with prospective customers, and an area to showcase their brand new CT Spiral dental scanner, which was a world first. 

The key challenge for Expo Centric was how to maximise the space, accommodate meeting areas, product displays, and space for hero feature products. 

The end design incorporated a huge illuminated ‘V’ logo, a large bulkhead with branding in the sky, a dedicated space for software demonstrations, and a separate space for meetings. 

The team at Vatech was delighted with the result and reported back that they had a great show and were extremely happy. Job well done team!! 

Sparx Lab at ADX 2024

At ADX 24 Sparx Lab, a clinically driven full-service dental laboratory wanted to create a themed space that was unique to their brand and delivered a ‘blacksmiths/industrial/rustic look and feel. Head of Engagement, Hazel Low said they wanted to emulate the product feel of handmade craftsmanship. 

The result was a dark-themed stand that stood out proudly amongst a sea of clinical white. A timber archway, a large graphics wall, and a 3D illuminated logo set the scene.  Product plinths and displays created space and interest on the floor.

Sparx Lab at ADX 2024
”Expo Centric took the time to learn about Sparx Lab and bring the concept of handmade to life through stand build.” Hazel Low, Head of Engagement at Sparx Lab. They were fantastic communicators the whole way through. We would happily recommend to health and medical sector.”

Watch the testimonial here.

Waterpik at ADX 2024

Waterpik are leaders in water flossing. The brief for this year’s show was to create a clean, open, and interactive space that allowed customers to engage and interact with their products.  Clients got to play an interactive game called “Waterpik Wally’ and win product giveaways.   

The challenge for this client’s brief was how to maximise space and incorporate all the elements requested in a cohesive and engaging way. The end design incorporated an open-flowing stand design with a 3.4m high archway, 2 x 65” screens for content and showcase display areas throughout, and a mouthwash station for product testing. 

Aison Hall Senor Brand Manager at Waterpik, stated they wanted an engaging and warm stand that conveyed the brand’s key messages and kept people engaged. 

“The team at Expo Centric worked with Waterpik to understand our unique show requirements including a special, custom build display case to showcase their unique products and bespoke items such as a sink for mouth wash trials.” Hall said Expo Centric worked hard to “Bring their brands to life, recommending the best format for lighting best lighting and AV and gave technology guidance throughout the entire process.” Another great feature of this stand was the ability to repurpose it at future shows. A great eco-friendly effort. ” Expo Centric stood out because of customer service, support and partnering throughout the process. We are very grateful and highly recommended Expo Centric as a partner.”

Watch the testimonial here.

Credabl at ADX 2024

Credabl is known for “more than just medical finances.’ As a service provider at the ADX show, the design brief was to create an engaging stand with maximum brand stand out, incorporating Credabl’s multiple partners and providing a space for each partner to showcase their products and services. 

The key challenge for the brief was the ability to manage multiple stakeholders and partners’ needs and allocations. In addition to ensuring each provider received maximum client engagement and opportunity for interaction.  

Credabl incorporated an interactive roll of the dice to win prizes from the wall. The stand featured a rotating hanging banner for a 360-degree view, AV screens for demonstrations, and rolling content. 

The client’s post show feedback stated:

“I also have to highlight that every single person that was on our stand was completely blown away by the build. It has been labelled as the best ADX that the business has ever done and the feedback has been overwhelming positive. The stand build played a huge part in that so a big congratulations to you guys too! The Take the Tooth activation was a huge draw card & exceeded my marketing lead gen KPI by almost 500% which is insane!”

Ray at ADX 2024

Ray prides themselves on being the Future of Face-Driven dentistry. At the show, their brief was to deliver a cost-effective stand solution to showcase all their products and their partner’s products on display across multiple demonstration stations. 

The key challenge of this stand was the need to fit many products into a limited space. The final build included branded graphics, illuminated light boxes, rigged banner, and AV blades. Demonstration areas were used to create interactive and engaging spaces for customers. 

The result was a happy client who said they had great interaction with their visitors. 

Acteon at ADX 2024

Acteon is one of Expo Centric’s oldest clients having worked together since 2012.

Acteon at ADX 2012
Acteon at ADX 2012
Acteon at ADX 2012
Acteon at ADX 2012

At this year’s show, Acteon briefed us to create a large brand presence and allow space for their hero products to stand out and the integration of workstations for product demonstrations. 

The final stand design featured a large overhead perimeter banner with illuminated LED light bars.  An impressive central tower with client products mounted on the display was the key feature. 

Once again space optimization was the key challenge for this stand.  Expo Cetric’s design team ultimately managed to balance product displays, product demonstrations, and space for visitors to walk around and interact with various features. 

Straumann Group at ADX 2024

Straumann Group is a leading global provider of dental implant solutions and oral tissue regeneration products. The brief for their new stand at this year’s expo was to incorporate the new global brand guidelines and integrate existing elements into a new look and feel.  

The challenge was how to integrate the existing elements into the new build and maintain cohesiveness and flow into the design.   

The final stand featured organic timber accents and elements scattered throughout the space. A curved back wall with integrated lightbox graphics and a storage room.  A matte black finish was incorporated on the structure and a huge 6m overhead circular banner stood out across the show floor. 

Straumann reported post show that the stand was a big success. They had great interaction and are looking forward to working with Expo Centric on future products. 

Invisalign at ADX 2024

Invisalign is all about transforming smiles. At this year’s expo, Invisalign engaged Expo Centric to reinstall their World Dental Congress stand. In addition to showcasing software and scanner setup for their clients to see how the Invisalign process works. 

The stand featured a large back wall with a hanging sign, 65” AV screens with rolling video content and demonstrations via iPads.  Product plinths and 2 x 43” screens with engaging product content. 

Invisalign were happy with the stand and are looking forward to working with Expo Centric in the future. And in great news, they will look to reuse the stand later in 2024! 

The Result

In conclusion, the Australian Dental Conference was a huge undertaking with a multitude of clients, all with different needs, but also a massive success for us and our dedicated team at Expo Centric! It was an all-hands-on deck affair for many months with almost around the clock preparation for our design and account management team, not forgetting the incredible effort from our team of installers, who worked so hard to bring each stand to life. 

We’re super proud of our team and can’t wait for the opportunity to work with these amazing clients in the future.

Feeling inspired? Chat to our team of experts today to start your dream stand.


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